Lightnings USA – North America. Thunderstorm.

Lightnings USA – North America. Thunderstorm.

Real time Lightnings and thunderstorm on United States and North America. Refresh page for updates.

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Real Time Lightning Loop on US. Lightnings USA.

BONorthAmerica-ani Lightnings USA - North America. Thunderstorm.

North America lightnings

Lightnings USA – North America

Texas lightnings

image_b_tx Lightnings USA - North America. Thunderstorm.

Florida lightnings

image_b_fl Lightnings USA - North America. Thunderstorm.

Northeast lightnings

image_b_ny Lightnings USA - North America. Thunderstorm.

Central Planes lightnings

image_b_mn Lightnings USA - North America. Thunderstorm.

Western lightnings

image_b_ca Lightnings USA - North America. Thunderstorm.
Real-time lightning and near real-time lightning data offer important benefits to numerous operational activities such as personnel and equipment safety, immediate causal analysis, rapid deployment, situational awareness and tactical planning. USPLN and NAPLN data consist of comprehensive cloud-ground lightning stroke detections with some cloud flash data. Data is available for almost any size area via the Internet with several format and delivery options to accommodate the needs of all customers and users.
Credit: Lightnings USA by
The user assumes the entire risk related to its use of this data. is providing this data “as is”. disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 
In no event will be liable to you or to any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages or lost profit resulting from any use or misuse of this data.
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În nici un caz nu poate sa fie raspunzator catre tine sau la orice terta parte pentru orice daune directe, indirecte sau profit pierdut rezultat din utilizarea sau utilizarea abuzivă a acestor date.